"If money changes everything, change your money!"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Universal Real Estate Wealth Protection Solutions (UREWPS) ... Where Trust is Key


to the CuBitREvolutionTM

Where changing your money...

Can change your wealth!

What Is

CuBitREvolutionTM ?

CuBit, the Universal Real Estate Stable Coin (URESCu), isn’t like other cryptocurrencies. It is the world’s first commodity-backed cryptocurrency with real estate as the primary element providing stability and growth to the buying power of the currency.

As an owner of CuBit, you are a member of the CuBitDAO. Exercise the powers of the CuBitDAO. The CuBitDAO Asset Ledger keeps you up to date on the value of each CuBit. Take a guided tour of the CuBitDAO Asset Ledger.

The details of URESCu are explained in detail in the URESCu Whitepaper you can download if you provide a valid email address. Get all the details or Peruse our FAQs for some quick answers to the most common questions.

Hedge Against Inflation

Inflation is confiscation

Fiat money is currency that a government has declared to be legal tender , but it is not backed by a physical commodity. (Investopedia)

When the gold standard was dropped (the commodity that used to back governmet tender), limits were removed on governments’ ability to put more money into circulation therefore driving the value lower. Value is what people say it is, based on their want or need to have it. Basic economics tells us that something that is scarce is of value just because its scarce; if its not scarce. if everyone had it, it’s value isn’t high. For example if everyone had a billion dollars, then no one would want a billion dollars – there is no need or want because they have it.

Another example: During Covid, paper products such as toilet paper were scarce because no one was producing paper products as the factories were shut down. All of the sudden, it was hard to get toilet paper and the price went higher and higher because everyone needed it and it was hard to come by.

CuBit is backed by real estate. A tangible commodity that has seen steady growth and is scarce (they aren’t making more land). This is what makes CuBit unique. Learn more about Hedging Against Inflation …. or about why Minting More CuBit Wont Inflate the Currency .

“Inflation is as violent as a mugger, as frightening as an armed robber and as deadly as a hit man.”

Advantages of using CuBit™


Liquidity refers to the ease with which an asset can be converted into ready 'cash' without affecting its market price. 'Cash' is considered the most liquid asset, while tangible items such as real estate are less liquid. CuBit™ is an alternative for 'Cash' with true mitigations against volatility and inflation because it is not a fiat currency and it is backed by a portfolio of real estate. It is easily transferred between people as you can instantly transfer it unlike real estate that can 30-120 days to do a real estate transaction.

Transferability and Portability

The portability and transferability of your wealth are essential to your financial survival, espcially in times of turmoil.

Transferability is the ability to give or transfer an asset to someone else with the asset losing value.

Portability means it can go with you anywhere.

Cryptocurrencies are digital therefore, they are generally not 'tangible in your hands types of assets', so many people can't understand, how they can own something they can't hold or see. Yet, they can understand the use of their debit card. Debit cards are a tangible representation of the cash in an account that is also digital.

Real estate is transferable, but not portable. Many companies are saying that they 'solved' this with ...

Risk Management

Crimes against people's information and nest eggs are real and abundant. The CuBitREvolution™ takes risk management very seriously. We have invested significant time and energy identifying risks and implementing comprehensive measures to manage them. Some of the risks tracked are: business, cryptocurrency, privacy, financial, operational, regulatory, real estate risk, and miscellaneous risks that can be everything from marketing and brand management to system outages.

Protection from Volatility

Volatility is when the value of something changes dramatically, usually in a short period of time. Owning real estate has been around of thousands of years, usually by only the rich. It’s harder to steal than ready 'cash', but also requires knowledge, maintenance and patience along with money. CuBitREvolution™ helps protect your earnings by investing in real estate that backs your CuBit™. You don't have to be smart, have knowledge or patience...you just have to deposit in CuBit™.


What Tokenomics Should Be

A new term? Something new to learn? Yes and no. “There is nothing new under the sun.” (Ecclesiastes, the Holy Bible). Although blockchain is new, what it is being used for isn’t .

Tokenomics is a cryptocurrency buzzword. It describes the well-established process for rolling out offering stock options for business ventures. Similar to Initial Public Offering (IPO) as they are called for stock market investments, there are Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) are used for cryptocurrency investments.

Don’t be afraid of a new ‘term’, embrace it and Learn something new about how CuBit is different and what tokenomics should be.

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CuBit™ Roadmap

Building Your Economic Freedom

The formula is simple:  you buy more CuBit, we buy more real estate, your wealth protection increases.

We have big plans for URESCu™. We believe that in the next five years URESCu™ will become the preferred stablecoin in the world. 

Although we are starting exclusively in USA real estate, we aim to live up to the ‘Universal’ part of our name and expand our offerings to real estate markets around the world. Our international expansions will be done with the same high-quality risk management controls we use for all our deals in the USA.

We are building distributed regional affiliates (DRA) to manage our real estate deals in key markets across the USA. Get the lowdown on DRAs

We are becoming funding partners with independent real estate investors (REI) across the USA. 



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