"If money changes everything, change your money!"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Universal Real Estate Wealth Protection Solutions (UREWPS) ... Where Trust is Key

Portability and Transferability

The portability and transferability of your wealth are essential to your financial survival, especially in times of turmoil

Transferability is the ability to give or transfer an asset to someone else with the asset losing value.

Portability means it can go with you anywhere.

Cryptocurrencies are digital therefore, they are generally not ‘tangible in your hands types of assets’, so many people can’t understand, how they can own something they can’t hold or see. Yet, they can understand the use of their debit card. Debit cards are a tangible representation of the cash in an account that is also digital.

Real estate is transferrable, but not portable. Many companies are saying that they ‘solved’ this with the use of tokenized or fractional ownership of real estate. This is not a solution because these tokens are not fungible. Every piece of real estate is unique and can’t be traded equally, one for another.

While real estate is a wonderful solution to protect your wealth against volatility and inflation, it is definitely not portable.

How can ordinary people be protected from the effects of economic crisis, particularly if real estate is too expensive for them to actually own? There is a good answer to this. To learn it, read on.


The phrase “you can’t take it with you,” becomes poignantly clear when your wealth is invested in real estate, and you must suddenly and quickly relocate. It is for this exact reason that many financial survivalists encourage people to buy precious metals and gems, which are generally very portable. Of course, transporting a million dollars’ worth of gold is a very different challenge than transporting a million dollars’ worth of high grade gems.

This prompts a similar question. How can ordinary people be protected from the crisis if the savings they have accrued in real estate can’t be taken with them when they are compelled to relocate? There is a good answer to this. To learn it, read on.


Turning real estate into money, liquidating, is an expensive, complicated, and time-consuming process. To liquidate real estate quickly and simply usually requires the seller to give up a lot of the value of the real estate in exchange for whatever limited amount of portable wealth (e.g., money) they buyer has on hand, or is willing to provide.

Again, this compels the question, how can ordinary people be protected from a crisis if their wealth in real estate can’t be quickly and easily converted into a portable form without giving up most of its value? There is a good answer to this. To learn it, read on.

The Simple Answer

There is a simple answer to the questions just posed. However, keep in mind that simple does not mean easy. And although the answer may appear simple, to fully grasp the difficulty you need to understand the foundation on which it rests.

Here is the simple answer:

To protect people from being impoverished by an economic crisis, while giving their wealth the protection from volatility and inflation provided by real estate, people need to have a currency that gets it value from real estate ownership. A currency that is inherently mobile and liquid.

To solve the issue of being expensive, the currency needs to have a basic unit which is inexpensive enough for many people to afford. As a currency, it is fungible and divisible without losing its value, that makes it both easily attainable and useful for transactions.

CuBit™ is designed precisely to meet this need.

Protecting Yourself

When you acquire CuBit™ you exchange your wealth for a portion of ownership in a pool of real estate. The value of that real estate protects your wealth against inflation and volatility.

You are free to exchange your CuBit™ with others for anything of value that they will give you for your CuBit™. Likewise, you can transfer your CuBit™ as quickly as making an electronic transfer on the internet.

When you redeem your CuBit™, you receive the value of each CuBit™ based on the current value of the real estate portfolio. Using a real estate pool protects you against the volatility of the value any specific piece of real estate and gives you the advantage of value gains spread across the entire portfolio.


By putting your wealth into CuBit™, you have effectively put your money into real estate while keeping it liquid, totally portable, and instantly transferrable.

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